Landowner Information

Landowner Information

Who is Mitico?

Mitico is an environmental services company that assists landowners with streambank and wetland restoration. These projects are primarily funded through mitigation banking and are permitted by the Army Corps of Engineers. In many cases, we are able to fully fund projects with no cost to the landowner.

What are we looking for?

Mitico is searching for properties with streambank erosion issues and landowners who will be willing to protect restored areas via a perpetual real estate instrument, such as a conservation easement or deed restriction.

What are real estate instruments?

Real estate instruments such as perpetual easements or deed restrictions are legal documents that Mitico uses to protect the work done on the property. Essentially, the landowner agrees not to farm, clear, or otherwise develop areas that are restored during the project. These instruments are recorded locally and work in perpetuity to ensure long term protection of the restored areas, even if the property is transferred or sold.

Prohibited uses within these protected areas generally include construction of structures or objects, exploration or extraction of oil or gas, use of motorized vehicles, and agricultural practices. These instruments do not give access to the public and the area will continue to be the landowner’s private property.

Restricting the property ensures long-term project success, and the landowner retains full ownership and can continue using the property in any way that doesn’t conflict with the easement's prohibited uses. These measures are put in place to ensure Mitico can monitor the progress and stability of projects on the property, access the area for repairs if needed, and, most importantly, protect the landowner’s property for future generations.

Funding for landowners

To help offset any lost profits from placing agricultural property into an easement, we can assist landowners in applying for cost-share funding through the local Soil and Water Conservation District. One example is the N391 program, which offers funding for 'out of production' acreage, and we will help guide you through the application process.


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